We do have some adventures it has been good. I'll be honest I haven't been the best at keeping a journal, but I write down all the cool stuff so I'll do better this last few weeks.We had a good week. It was really fun, I am enjoying my time in Oda. We went to this place called Abenase, it is like a 30 minute drive from Oda and it is really small. We had a movie show in the town and there were like 300 people there, it was pretty awesome. We taught some good lessons there before the movie show too. Love you.
Yeah, my companion is 18, so pretty young. It was a good week. We went to the church at like 6:30 this morning to play basketball, it was pretty fun. I also went to the market and bought some things for when I come home. I got some cool fabric for the girls.
Thanks dad love you