Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 40

Dear Mother,  
First off Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the pants. They fit so nice and I am looking good again so thank you so much. Also Griffins thanks for the package and all the candy. It has all been eaten. The letters were great and I am sending a letter soon. Thank you so much. Skyler thanks for the tie I am wearing it right now actually. Also the rules have changed so we are allowed to email friends and really anyone we want just to let you know.  
1. (Best of the week) We found some good new people this week and we have some solid people as well. 

2. (Worst of the week) Getting denied a ton. We were getting pretty well rejected a few days. I don't think I have heard so many "next times" ha. It's ok though.  
3. (Best contact you made this week) We had quite a few contacts. We met this girl on Saturday and she came to church on Sunday so that's good. 
4. (Worst contact you made this week) We walked up to this women and before we could get like 20 feet from her she just waved us off. She wasn't too nice.  
5. (Best in your scripture study.) Jesus the Christ. Best book ever! also the Book of Mormon we have had some good study sessions   

We get to go to the temple this week and I am super excited. We had a good week. I got 3 packages this week so that was great, Shows that I am loved. So much candy ha it's all gone sadly. Well the church is true everyone just read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and you will see that. It's really quite simple The Gospel is the best. 

Love Elder Thornhill

Dear Father, 
It was a good week., We found some good people at the end of the week. I am sure that is just a massive city. Ha good times.I can email him now the rules have been changed so we can email friends. Thanks dad it means a lot. I am realizing more and more how legit you are dad. So thank you
Elder Thornhill

Elder Nelson and Elder Thornhill

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