Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 71

Dear Mother, 
Monday- We had a FHE with a family in our ward. The Acquah family. They are very rich and they have a nice house and they were so nice. The wife has a sister that has been to church a lot but has stopped so we are trying to meet with her and see what happened. 
Tuesday- I went on an exchange with Elder Dike from the other companionship in the district. it was good and they have some good people they are working with. we also had coordination so that was good. 
Wednesday-We had an interesting lesson with a women named Faustina. She understands that the Book of Mormon is important but she says she is not going to read from it because she had the bible. She is somewhat stubborn and it was just a little frustrating but it's ok. 
Thursday- We meet some good people just by knocking on doors and things. This one women named Josephine lives pretty far from the church but she even came on Sunday and I think she enjoyed it. It's always great when you meet people like that.  
Friday- meet another man named Patrick he is 18 and we taught him about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. We went and saw him on Sunday and he had good questions and he seems very interested. His parents are not too interested though. but here every member of the family can attend a different church. But hopefully we can work with them.  
Saturday- A little bit of a slower day but we met this sweet person named Cynthia. We contacted her a few days ago. We were on our way to an appointment around 7 30 and we had just called the person to make sure he was home. And there was just this compound that I thought we should go and contacted so we talked to this lady and set a return appointment but it failed so then we set another appointment and she was home. We taught a great lesson and she said she was wondering why we were so persistent and she didn't say it but I think she now understands why we wanted to met with her so bad. 
Sunday- A good day and had some few people come to church. which was really nice. and was able to teach some lessons after church and got an FM from an investigator. Overall a great week. I have been studying the Book of Mormon a  lot and it has been so great. I feel that my love and understanding of it is increasing and also my testimony. Well that was my week love you mom. 

Love Your Son

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