Monday, January 6, 2014

Week 82

In Ghana for NYE, there's just a lot of drinking fireworks and burning tires ha so pretty standard. We had some sparkling juice which had corks so we were able to pop those open which were fun. No I didn't stay up that is too late for me. We found this less active family that lives in a place called Manhean. It is so far away and we have this sweet member that stays there. His name is Emmanuel and he has very humble circumstances. He I still trying to get an education and his English isn't the best but he is so ready to do missionary work. I asked him to go and visit a less active family and he was so happy and he even wanted a message to share with them. So we met this family and the father is very sick. He has an ulcer and he can't even walk any more. it was so sad but I still had some of those pictures of Christ so I told him to pick one and he picked the one of Christ raising Jarius' daughter from the dead. It was so sweet but it was definitely another slap in the face moments that I have had here just realizing how blessed I am and how I need to help everyone to know about Christ and His redemptive power. As for goals I haven't really thought of too many but I have been writing down things for home so. Well we have a nice family home evening planned so it should be great. love you mom


The weeks do fly by pretty fast. Sometimes days feel like weeks and then weeks feel like days. Good to hear the Aggies are doing well. We had MLC which was great and we talked about a lot of great things. I love President Hill he is so great. well dad I love you 

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